These plans are for objection raised by the TM department and are not for opposition made by a 3rd party.
Provide copy of filed Trademark application or provide TM application number
We will provide this to you for signing, after receiving all information and documents.
Oftentimes, during the trademark registration process, after filing a trademark application the trademark registrar raises objections through an objection report called the trademark examination report if the application contains any technical errors or if the trademark is violative of the rules and laws of trademark registration. Approximately 60 to 70% of trademark applications filed in India face trademark examination reports. Get an effective response drafted for you by one of India’s foremost experts in trademarks and exponentially increase your chances of securing your trademark. Further, in certain cases even after the filing of a Trademark reply, the department is not satisfied with the response received to the objections raised and the officer marks the case for hearing. At the hearing the officer At ZAPTAX, we offer you a seamless experience for your trademark registration, so your hard-built brand is protected.
The common reasons for receiving objections to a trademark application can be divided into three categories, namely technical objections, relative grounds objections, and absolute grounds objections, details of which are mentioned below:-
Saves your TM application from being abandoned (cancelled) by filing a response to the objection or by attending hearing.
Getting your trademark application to move ahead in the registration process
Defending your claims and rights in your brand name and hard-earned goodwill
When a Trademark is accepted by the
Trademark department then the said mark is advertised by the department in a
Trademark Journal for a period of 4 months, this period is called the Trademark
advertisement period. During this period any member of the public can oppose
the registration by filing the grounds of opposition in opposition notice with
the department and a copy to you. Then, there are approx. 2 rounds of counter
replies and responses from both parties after which the officer at the
department starts hearing the case and decides in favour of one of the parties.
You can find if your trademark is objected by checking the status of the trademark application which can be done by following the below steps: -
Trademark reply has to be filed in form MIS-R and the request for the removal
of discrepancy / clerical error in the application is filed in form TM-M.