
We at strive for the complete satisfaction of our users with the service provided and make every effort to provide the services as per the specifications and timelines mentioned on the respective service page.

However, if the service is not provided as per the committed timelines or specifications you will be entitled to a refund subject to the conditions mentioned in this policy.

The company can modify this policy at any time without any prior notice. Once the revised policy is updated on the website, the user shall be subjected to the updated policy. Therefore, it is advised to read this policy carefully and keep visiting for updates.

The headings of each section do not have a legal or contractual value. The user shall not use them to interpret the provisions contained herein.

This policy is subject to the terms of use , privacy policy, and satisfaction guarantee of the company.

Change of Service

  • Within 7 days of placing the order or making the payment, whichever is before, you can change the service from the one ordered with another service offered by us, provided the original order is not fulfilled or completed.
  • The payment made for the original order after deducting the payment gateway charges, government fees, taxes, third-party expenses, and step-wise execution charges on the best judgment basis by the company shall be adjusted towards the dues for the other service opted by you.
  • In case the other service opted by you in place of the original service is of lesser value, the differential amount shall not be refunded and credits for the same will be issued which can be utilized in the future for availing our services. The credits shall expire in 6 months from the date of issuance.
  • A change of service request can be placed by writing to us at along with the details of the transaction.

Cases Eligible for Refund

Cases that are not eligible for refund:-

  • The claim of refund should not be only due to a change of mind or mood or situation of the user.
  • No refund shall be made if any delay is found from your side in the submission of the required documents or information, at any stage.
  • In case the user remained non-responsive for more than 60 days the order will be considered null and void, the payment made by you will be considered towards the consultancy provided and follow-ups made and no amount will be refunded in such cases.

B. Time limit to claim refund:

  • The refund request should have been made before the completion or fulfillment of the service and maximum within 15 days of placing the order.

C. Conditions to be fulfilled for becoming eligible for refund

Amount of Refund

The refund shall be made after deducting the payment gateway charges, government fees, taxes, third-party expenses, and step-wise execution charges on the best judgment basis by the company.

Processing of Refund

A refund request can be placed by writing to us at along with the details of the transaction to begin the refund process.

Upon approval of the refund request, the same shall be processed at the earliest but not later than 30 working days. You can choose to take the amount as a refund or take credits for the same which can be adjusted against any service you take from us in the future. The credits shall not have any expiry date.