Your ticket to a wide range of MSME benefits is a just few clicks away!

Udyam Registration

  • Consultation of eligibility; calculation of plant & machinery cost & incidental matters
  • Assitance in filing Udyam Registration Application


  • There is no government fee for obtaining Udyam registration. We charge professional fee for our consultation and guidance. Alternatively, you can do this on your own.

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Fill out our form and then just relax !

It’s just a matter of these many days

  • Day 1

    Review of documents and information provided by you

  • Day 2
    Assistance in the filing of MSME registration application
  • Day 3

    Approval received from the office of the Ministry of MSME along with a certificate of registration

Note : Stages, where Government approval is required, are subject to government processing.
PAN & GST number

of the Organization whose MSME registration is to be done


of the proprietor/partner/director of the organization

Previous ITR Detail

Details of which ITR form was filed in previous year

MSME Acknowledgement
Udyam Registration


A significant portion of India's GDP, Exports, and Jobs is contributed by small enterprises, who are in a true sense the backbone of the Indian economy. Under the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Development Act, 2006, an organization that is eligible for MSME registration can after the registration avail of all the benefits brought out by the central government or state government(s) through various schemes or subsidy programs. 

Also, the organization can avail benefits of priority sector lending, reduced interest rates on loans, and other speedy debt recovery platforms.

At ZAPTAX, we offer you expert consultation on your eligibility and assitance in filing of your Udyam registration (previously known as Udyog Aadhaar).


  • The organization's Investment & Turnover should be within the following limits:-





Investment in Plant & Machinery

Upto Rs.1 Crore



Upto Rs.5 Crore



Investment in Plant & Machinery

Upto Rs.10 Crore



Upto Rs.50 Crore



Investment in Plant & Machinery

Upto Rs.50 Crore



Upto Rs.250 Crore

Note: for details of inclusions & exclusions from plant & machinery or turnover, refer our FAQs .

  • The organization should not be engaged in the following sector:-
    • Crops, animal production, hunting, and related activities;
    • Forestry and logging;
    • Fishing; 
    • Domestic help; or 
    • Gambling and Betting
  • Earlier Trading organizations were not eligible to obtain MSME registration but now with effect from 02/07/2021, trading concerns can also obtain MSME registration.

A significant portion of India's GDP, Exports, and Jobs is contributed by small enterprises, who are in a true sense the backbone of the Indian economy. Under the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Development Act, 2006, an organization that is eligible for MSME registration can after the registration avail of all the benefits brought out by the central government or state government(s) through various schemes or subsidy programs.

Also, the organization can avail benefits of priority sector lending, reduced interest rates on loans, and other speedy debt recovery platforms.

At ZAPTAX, we offer you expert consultation on your eligibility and assitance in filing of your Udyam registration (previously known as Udyog Aadhaar).


MSMEs are categorized under priority sector lending by RBI and thus Banks have to give a certain minimum proportion of their loans given to the MSMEs. The interest rates of the MSME term loans and overdraft loans are also less in comparison to business loans to others.

Credit Guarantee Scheme allows MSMEs to obtain collateral free loans up to Rs. 2 Crore under which MSMEs pay an annual guarantee fee of 1 to 2% and the CGTMSE trust created by Central Government pays lender Banks / NBFCs if the MSME defaults.

As per MSME law, if buyer makes late payment to a micro or small enterprise, then he has to pay compounded interest at 3 times of bank interest rates. Complaints can be filed through samadhaan portal, and MSEFC has to take it up with the buyer & decide in 90 days.

Through TReDS (Trade Receivables discounting system) micro and small enterprises can get their invoices discounted from the Banks and NBFCs. Currently, 3 TReDS platform have been approved by RBI namely, M1xchange, RXIL & Invoicemart.

GeM (Government e-marketplace) portal is a national public procurement platform where the central government, state governments, local bodies, autonomous institutions and public sector enterprises buy common goods & services from MSMEs.

The state governments as per their approved policies provides for various subsidies on local taxes, state GST, electricity tariff, capital investment, land acquisition. Most of the states also provide single window clearance system for MSMEs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Usually, it takes 2-3 days for obtaining MSME registration, but the same is also dependent upon the time taken by the government to approve the registration application.

No, you need not go anywhere and your MSME registration will be done completely online for which you have to share a few OTPs.

No, it is not compulsory for obtaining MSME registration. But you would miss out on lots of benefits that are available after obtaining the MSME registration / Udyam registration only.

No, it is not compulsory to attach any document in the MSME registration application and the documents we have asked for are for feeding the details in the application only.

Yes, it's all one and the same. Earlier it was called Udyog Aadhar and now it’s called Udyam Registration.

The existing EM-II or Udyog Aadhar registrations are not valid after 31/03/2021. Therefore, obtaining Udyam registration is compulsory for organizations that had obtained EM-II or Udyog Aadhar previously.

Yes, if the organization meets the eligibility criteria, whether existing or newly setup it can obtain MSME registration.

No, there is no concept of renewal of the Udyam registration. However, as per government notification issued on 26/06/2020, the organization's turnover, investment, and few other details need to be updated on the MSME portal annually, failure of which will get the Registration suspended.

For organizations that are not required to take GST registration as per GST law for such organizations, a GST number is not compulsory for obtaining MSME registration.

Yes, the Aadhaar of the proprietor/partner/director is compulsorily required for obtaining MSME registration. Further, the applicant should have his mobile number linked with his aadhaar to receive OTPs.

Enterprises can be classified into micro, small, and medium enterprises. The criteria for each type are: -

  • Micro-Enterprise – Investment in Plant & Machinery upto Rs.1 Crore and Turnover upto Rs.5 Crores.
  • Small Enterprise - Investment in Plant & Machinery upto Rs. 10 Crore and Turnover upto Rs. 50 Crores.
  • Medium Enterprise - Investment in Plant & Machinery upto Rs. 50 Crore and Turnover upto Rs. 250 Crores.

Everything other than Land, Furniture, and Building is categorized as Plant & Machinery for MSME purposes. However, the following are specifically excluded:-

  • Pollution control Equipment
  • Safety Device; and 
  • Research & Development Devices.

Original Invoice value needs to be taken as the plant & machinery value for determining the classification and not the 2nd hand value at which you have purchased the said asset.

The value of plant & machinery must be taken exclusive of GST, i.e., GST value is not to be considered while calculating the value of plant & machinery.

The value of plant & machinery must be taken as the original invoice value and therefore gross value (i.e. including depreciation) must be considered.

No, the export turnover will not be in the total turnover while determining the classification of the type of MSME.

Udyam registration is given for the entity as a whole and not units/branch or factory-wise. Also, the investment in plant & machinery, and turnover will be considered for the entity.