Get your ITR filed through experts at an affordable price.

Basic Plan

  • Presumptive Business Income
  • Rental / House Property Income
  • Other Income Sources
  • Exempt Incomes
  • Deductions under chapter VI-A
  • Recommendation on choosing New or Old Tax regime
Standard Plan


Everything in Basic
  • Short Term Capital Gain
  • Long Term Capital Gain
  • Dividend Income
Premium Plan


Everything in Standard
  • Profit & Loss and Balance sheet (for turnover upto Rs. 1 crore)
  • - Does not include tax audit
  • - Does not include accounting work


  • Exclusive of any tax, interest and late fees to be paid as applicable.

PAN & AADHAR Details

Provide PAN & AADHAR number, not mandatory to provide PAN & AAHDAR card copy.

Form 16 or Salary Slip

Provide Form 16 or detailed salary slips to compute your salary income.

Investment & Deduction Proofs

Provide proof of investments & donations for which you want to claim a tax deduction.

E-mail, Chat or Call support
Expert Assistance
Computation & ITR acknowledgement


Income Tax is a direct tax levied by the Government of India on your income earned for every financial year (i.e., April to March), reporting of which is done by filing an Income Tax Return (ITR) with the Income Tax Department (ITD) within timelines permitted under the Income Tax Act, 1961.

At ZAPTAX, we offer you a hassle-free experience for your ITR filing.

Read below to know if it is compulsory for you to file Income Tax Return?

Every Individual whose gross total income in a financial year exceeds Rs. 2.5 Lakh, subject to certain special situations needs to file ITR, irrespective of whether any tax is payable or not. Further, if you hold any asset outside India, have a financial interest in any entity outside India, or have signing authority in any Bank account outside India then also it's compulsory for you to file ITR. Also, in the case of any financial year, you have paid an electricity bill of Rs. 1 Lakh or more, deposited Rs. 1 Crore or more in current accounts, or incurred foreign travel expense of Rs. 2 Lakh or more, then irrespective of your income ITR filing becomes compulsory.


Avoid late filing fees ranging from Rs. 1,000/- to Rs. 10,000/- by filing your ITR in time.

Avoid non-filing or late filing notice from the income tax department by filing your ITR in time.

TDS might have been deducted from your incomes even if your tax liability is NIL. Get your ITR filed to get the TDS refund.

Income tax law allows to carry forward current year loss and then adjust it against profits earned in future years which helps a lot in reduction of future tax liability. However, the carry forward of loss is allowed only if ITR has been filed within the original due date.

Just like government IDs prove your identity, your ITR copy is the most acceptable proof of your income. It’s also virtually a compulsory requirement for obtaining various products like Term Insurance, Credit Card, Loans, Bank Account, and even Visa for Foreign Travel etc.

If a person whose income is below mandatory ITR filing limit, doesn’t file ITR and invests accumulated money, its likely that income tax department notice comes asking source. Then its a very tiresome job to find past year data. Thus better file ITR to avoid such situation.

Frequently Asked Questions

However, the date will be 31st October, if :-

  • the business /profession is liable to tax audit; OR
  • the business person/ professional is a partner in a firm which is tax audited.

No, filing of ITR is a completely online process involving the exchange of information & documents, after which we will process the same and prepare your ITR for filling online.

ITR filing is a mandatory requirement for every Individual who has a financial year and a gross total income of more than Rs. 2.5 Lakh.

Further, even if gross total income is less than or up to Rs. 2.5 Lakh, ITR filing by an individual will be mandatory if the Individual during the financial year has: -

    • any asset outside India
    • any financial interest in any entity outside India 
    • signing authority in any Bank account outside India
    •   paid electricity bill of Rs. 1 Lakh or more 
    • deposited in Current Account Rs. 1 Crore or more
    •   spend Rs. 2 Lakh or more in foreign travel  

Income Tax has divided incomes into 5 heads (Salary, House Property, Profits from Business / Profession, Capital Gain & Other Income). Gross Total Income (GTI) is the total of all these heads of income.

Yes, registration at the income tax e-filing portal is mandatory for availing online services. Once registered, you don’t have to go through this process again. It is a one-time registration.

A person who is into any business or profession must maintain books of accounts as per the requirements of section 44AA of the Income Tax Act, 1961. For small businesses/professions, the income tax act has a concept of presumptive taxation. If adopted, the taxpayer can declare income at a prescribed rate and, in turn, is relieved from maintaining books of account.

For small taxpayers, under the Income-tax Act,1961 , there are the following 3 Presumptive taxation Schemes:-

  • For Business Persons - under Section 44AD.
  • For Professional - under Section 44ADA.
  • For Business of Good Carriages - under Section 44AE.

    • The person should be Resident Individual, Resident Hindu Undivided Family or Partnership Firm(not LLPs)
    • The person should not have brokerage / commission income or agency business. 
    • The turnover / gross receipts of the business should be up to Rs. 2 crores.
    • The business should not be of plying, hiring or leasing goods carriages. 
    • The taxpayer should not claim any deduction under section 10A/10AA/10B/10BA or Section 80HH to 80RRB.
    • The taxpayer should not have opted out of the presumptive scheme in the last 5 years before completing a block of 5 years  

If the person's receipts are through electronic mode/cheque/NEFT/RTGS/UPI, then a minimum of 6% of gross receipts/turnover must be disclosed as presumptive income.

If the receipts are from non-digital modes, then a minimum of 8% of gross receipts/turnover must be disclosed as presumptive income.

    • The person should beResident Individual, Resident Hindu Undivided Family.
    • The turnover / gross receipts from the profession should be up to Rs. 50 lakhs.
    • The person should be engaged in the following eligible professions:-
  1. Legal
  2. Medical
  3. Engineering or architectural
  4. Accountancy
  5. Technical Consultancy
  6. Interior Decoration
  7. Professions which CBDT notifies ( Company Secretary, Film Artists, Information Technology Professional)

A minimum of 50% of gross receipts/turnover is required to be disclosed as presumptive income.

At least 50% of gross receipts of the profession is presumed as income under section 44ADA. No deduction is not allowed to be claimed after declaring profit @ 50% as professional income.

Yes, if  the person is freelancing for any of the Categories of profession covered under section 44ADA, that the person can take the benefit of the Same. 

The presumptive tax scheme under section 44AE can be adopted by a person who is into the business of plying, hiring or leasing goods carriages and doesn't own more than 10 goods vehicles at any time during the year.

The important factor is not to own more than 10 goods vehicles at any time, thereby giving benefit to small transporters. Anyone with more than 10 vehicles at any time during the FY cannot take benefit of this scheme.

A person who opts for Section 44AE has to minimum declare the following declare the following amount for each goods carraige vehicles:

  • For heavy goods Vehicle (gross weight -12 tonnes ) - Rs. 1,000 per ton of gross vehicle weight per month (part of the month would be considered as a full month)
  • For other vehicles - Rs. 7,500 per month (part of the month would be considered as a full month)

Every individual carrying on business or profession to whom Section 44AA applies has to maintain books of accounts. The summary of the criteria laid out in Section 44AA is as under:- 


Nature of Business or  Profession

Category of Taxpayer

Threshold Limits

Criteria – I


For Income

Criteria – II


For Gross Turnover or Receipts

Specified Professions


[Legal; Film artist; Medical; Engineering; Architectural; Technical Consultancy; Interior decoration; Authorized Representative; Accountancy Profession & Company secretary]



Mandatory,  except where the presumptive scheme under Section 44ADA has opted.

Non-Specified Professions




More than 2.5 Lakhs in any of the 3 years immediately preceding the financial year for which criteria are checked.

More than twenty-five lakhs in any of the 3 years immediately preceding the financial year for which criteria are checked.


More than one lakh twenty thousand rupees in any of the 3 years immediately preceding

the financial year for which criteria are checked.

More than ten lakhs in any of the 3 years immediately preceding the financial year for which criteria are checked.





More than 2.5 Lakhs in any of the 3 years immediately preceding

 the financial year for which criteria are checked.

More than twenty-five lakhs in any of the 3 years immediately preceding the financial year for which criteria are checked.


More than 2.5 Lakhs lakhs in any of the 3 years immediately preceding

 the financial year for which criteria are checked.

More than twenty-five lakhs in any of the 3 years immediately preceding the financial year for which criteria are checked.

Business eligible for Presumptive Tax Scheme

Resident Individual or


The taxpayer has selected for the presumptive scheme in any of the last 5 financial years but does not select for the same in the current financial year and the condition that the financial year's income exceeds the basic exemption limit.

Resident Partnership Firm

The taxpayer has selected for the presumptive scheme in any of the last 5 financial years but does not select for the same in the current financial year

 and the condition that the financial year's income exceeds the basic exemption limit.


[plying, leasing or hiring of goods carriage]


Mandatory,  except where presumptive scheme under Section 44AE is opted.

It is a process carried which can be only carried out by a chartered accountant in practice to verify whether the books of accounts prepared by the taxpayer complies with generally accepted accounting principles and the Income Tax Act, 1961. It is also carried to check whether the books of account and other records are properly maintained or not and whether the computation of the taxpayer’s income has been done correctly as per the Income Tax Act, rules and ICDS (income computation and disclosure standards)

Every person carrying on business/profession to whom Section 44AD applies has to get books of accounts audited. The summary of the criteria laid out in Section 44AD is as under:- 


Nature of Business or  Profession

Category of Taxpayer

Tax Audit Mandatory IF

Specified Profession in Income tax law


[Legal; Film artist; Medical; Engineering; Architectural; Technical Consultancy; Interior decoration; Film artist; Authorized Representative; Accountancy Profession & Company secretary]

Resident Individual




Gross receipts from profession exceed Rs. 50 lakhs; or

If income exceeds the maximum exemption limit (2.5 lakhs) and the taxpayer claims that his profits are lower than 6% / 8% as computed in Section 44ADA



Gross receipts from the profession exceed Rs. 50 lakhs

Non-Specified Profession



Gross receipts from profession exceed Rs. 50 lakhs


Digital receipt and payment 95% or more

Gross receipts from business cross Rs. 10 crore



Gross receipts from business cross Rs. 1 crore.


Businesses eligible to opt Presumptive Tax Scheme under Section 44AD

Resident Individual or 


income exceeds the maximum exemption limit (2.5 lakhs), and the taxpayer has opted presumptive scheme in any one of the last 5 financial years but does not opt-in the current year.

Resident Partnership Firm

The taxpayer has opted for the scheme in any of the last 5 financial years but does not opt for the same in the current year.

Business eligible for Presumptive Tax Scheme under Section 44AE


[plying, leasing or hiring of goods carriage]


The taxpayer claims that his profits from the business are lower than the profit computed under Section 44AE.

Income from the transfer of a capital asset is charged to capital gains.

Yes, in certain cased capital gains can be saved by claiming exemptions under certain eligible investments / re-investments as provided in the Income Tax Act, 1961 under the chapter of capital gains.

Yes. You need to pay long-term capital gain on the same as it has exceeded 24 months. The computation method is according to the method given for computing long-term capital assets.

Yes. If you sell listed equity shares from a recognized stock exchange after payment of STT (securities transaction tax), the tax rate is flat 15% on short-term capital gain for scrips held for less than 12 months. In case, one sells the same after holding it for 12 months, the tax rate is 10% after availing exemption up to long-term capital gain of one lakh rupees.

To claim an exemption for capital gains, one needs to reinvest the capital gain or sale consideration in the asset series given in section 54. Suppose one is unable to do so immediately. In that case, they have an option to put the money in the capital gain account scheme, which can be opened in various nationalized banks that provides this facility before the due date of filing ITR for that assessment year in which capital gains have arisen.

The taxpayer then can invest money in various defined assets of section 54 from the capital gain account scheme and avail exemption.

To understand easily, one can say it's like an escrow account before making the final investment.

The government notified around 28 banks under the capital gains accounts scheme, most of which are PSUs and certain private banks.

The income tax payment has to be made to the income tax department by doing a self-assessment of tax and paying the same before the due date of filing the return.

Advance tax is a concept of paying the taxes in advance or on pay as you earn basis rather than lump-sum payment at the time of self-assessment.

Every person (Individual, firm, company, etc.) whose estimated tax liability for a financial after TDS deductions is Rs. 10,000 or more has to pay advance tax.

  • A senior citizen aged 60 or more, being a resindent without business or professional income, is not liable to pay advance tax.

Advance tax is computed based on the expected tax liability of the year. The estimation has to be done by the taxpayer. The payment of advance tax has to be made in instalments prescribed under the Income Tax law.

Suppose the taxpayer, after paying the first/second instalment of advance tax, is of the opinion that his estimated total income is increasing and his estimated tax liability is going to increase. He can increase the payments in the remaining instalments and pay the advance tax accordingly. However, the taxpayer will be charged interest on short-fall in the already paid instalments.

Since it is practically not possible to estimate the income from capital gain and casual income in advance, therefore, for capital gains, it is provided that if any such income arises after the due date of any instalment, then tax calculated on capital gain shall be paid in remaining instalments of advance tax which are due. If the entire amount of tax is so paid, then no interest for late payment is levied.

For taxpayers opting for the presumptive scheme of business/profession (not goods carriage) – 100% up to 15th March

For others -

i) up to 15% of tax liability – by 15th June

ii) up to 45% of tax liability – by 15th September

iii) up to 75% of tax liability – by 15th December?

iv) 100% of tax liability – by 15th March

Note: Any tax paid till 31st March is also treated as advance tax paid during the same financial year.